the benefits

Brainmachine :
Reliable and very compact
Wireless, uses class 2 bluetooth over 5m
Can be used during sleep
Silent in use, non-claustrophobic
Easy to apply, simple to remove
Lightweight to wear ( carry-holder included)

IBVA (software)
In the additional software you are able to trigger sounds for sonic feedback, needed in eyes-shut conditions. Able to record data over 12 hours continuously when paired to a computer.

Connectable to another brainmachine for two persons (4 channels) coherence exploration
The IBVA5 software has been sold over 20 years internationally and individually – many people recognise the special 3D graphs and appreciate the musically integrated, interactive software. Originally sold from New York and made in Japan since early 1990s.

Does not require medical training as it is a wellness product and does not produce medical data.

Users are recommended to have an understanding of the function of the brain’s prefrontal lobes as an essential primer to reading the signal before they self study their brainwaves.

We recommend the following books in particular:

Brain States Mastery by Brian Morrissey

Brian Morrissey – Brain States Mastery
Gyorgy Buzsaki – Rhythms of the brain
John N. Demos – Neurofeedback Primer
James H. Austin – Zen Brain Reflections
Anna Wise – Peak Performance Mind
Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins – The Open Focus Brain

Downloadable resources here :